Social impact is a team sport

We partner with local NGOs, foundations, family offices and kind souls to reduce costs, accelerate impact and strengthen relationships. Here are a few of the many partnerships we have created:


  • Dramatically reduce poaching over 8.5M acres in four countries through community-led conservation based on all-female teams of rangers. We are supporting their community efforts in the region around water, food, energy, education and other critical needs.

  • Securing landscapes and building robust local institutions and thriving nature-based economies. Conserve builds capacity of local institutions to ensure highly effective long-term management of concession areas and community conservancies. Our aim is to demonstrate the significant value of conservation as a sustainable land use in rural areas.

  • Wild Shots Outreach's aim is to engage young people from disadvantaged communities in wildlife and wild places through photography.

  • Enhancing the conservation of biodiversity and cultural heritage, maintaining ecosystem services and fostering the sustainable and equitable use of natural resources through the implementation of projects.


  • TUT is a leading South African institution dedicated to fostering innovation, knowledge and empowerment through education and research. Our initial projects will focus on the development of the industrial hemp value chain and providing a nutritious probiotic, vegan drink made from indigenous sorghum.


  • Led by Dan Swift and an inspired group of designers, provide world class architecture and land planning services. Their mission is to see the future more clearly to create environments that transform lives.

  • Partnered with MoveMe Studio to create the Social Impact Shoe, put these on when you want to change the world. 50% of the net profits, after all the costs have been recovered, will be reinvested in local communities.

  • Partner with them to create a line of blankets designed by African women and we are sharing the profits with them and Abundant Village.

Abundant Village and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We structured our model to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Which SDG moves you the most? 

To accomplish the SDGs by 2030, we need to start now. It will take a village. Abundant Village will be a laboratory of the best ideas for sustainable living and helping people to thrive. Bring us your best and let's get to work.

Every project and village measures impact differently. Many of our Stakeholders have specific ideas for measurement and we have metrics and milestones to ensure we are being true to our model and vision.

Let’s agree that positively impacting a life is a universal metric. How and how much?

  • Access to clean water

  • Number of women in leadership roles 

  • Number of new women-led businesses started 

  • Meals per day served and enjoyed

  • The number of people a local clinic can serve

  • Number of people who complete a course or skills-based training 

  • Number of people with access to sustainable energy 

  • Number of new jobs created

  • Number of jobs filled 

  • Number of people who double their income