Let’s talk about the challenges.

Humanity is at a crossroads.

Climate change, political instability, war, famine, forced migration are impacting hundreds of millions of people. We must find solutions to help the under-resourced millions, by no fault of their own, have been displaced and are needlessly suffering.

For most of our collective lives, when we see or hear about a social challenge, we may think to ourselves and say “Well if I was in charge…or “The best way to address that problem is…” Or one we hear all too often, “They are doing it wrong, a better way to do it would be..” It is time to stop assuming and start collaborating...

Aspects of Abundant Village 

Our initial villages / projects are in South Africa in the Mpumalanga region near Kruger National Park. Built in partnership with the local community, we can provide a range of services critically needed by the surrounding communities. Based on hundreds of hours of conversations, these are the areas they shared as most needed:

Clean Water

We will dig wells and work with atmospheric water solutions to pull water from the air.

Safe Housing and Buildings

We will provide good paying jobs to locals to refurbish existing buildings create new ones.  Our focus is companies specializing in rapid-building solutions, offering cost-effective, sustainable options for building clinics, schools, housing, and other critical structures.

Sustainable Energy

We are partnering with Ener-G-Africa Solar to provide free or low-cost sustainable energy as well as solar stoves to minimize the use of toxic kerosene.

Good Paying Jobs

We will create job opportunities based on the needs of the communities and skills available locally. Also, when possible, we will hire local construction professionals for projects and mentor young people in the trades.

Practical Education

We will partner with online and local providers to deliver tailored, educational content to kids and adults eager to develop knowledge and skills that prepare them for the future.

Affordable Healthcare

We will leverage healthy food, exercise, and natural, local remedies. We will plant a medicinal garden with herbs and plants with healing properties.

Nutrition Programs

We are working side by side with the community creating regenerative farming projects to provide nutritious food for years. We are also working with hydroponic companies to provide indoor, low water farming solutions that provide healthy fruits and vegetables.

Regenerative Farming

We are working with local farmers, a majority are female, to create fruits and vegetables as well as sustainable crops such as industrial hemp and bamboo to increase profits and provide more food for the region.

We can provide resources to existing villages / projects, based on available funding and their priorities.

Completed and Upcoming Projects 

Zimbabwe – Lower-Zambezi Valley

  • Working with traditional leadership in the communities who live alongside one of the world's largest remaining elephant populations, Abundant Village partnered with Akashinga to: Rebuild one kindergarten and refurbish another, electrify a rural clinic, supply fresh water to the schools, two local communities, and the hospital. These facilities and infrastructure service over 50,000 people in the region, playing a critical role in social impact which drives local conservation and has helped contribute to a 90% reduction in elephant poaching across the region.

    Using a grant from the Australian Embassy and teaming up with Akashinga, we completed the 90-day project in less than 30-days.

Buyisonto, Mpumalanga Region, South Africa

  • Mama Martha Mawela cooks meals for hundreds of toddlers, orphans, vulnerable children and elderly people a day in her local village and surrounding areas. Working with our partner, Ener-G-Africa, we were able to provide additional cooking stoves for her project. We secured a follow up grant and this April, will help her purchase supplies, food and equipment to serve even more people. She was serving about 200 meals a day and now can serve 600 meals a day.

Manyeleti, South Africa - with Tintswalo

  • In partnership with the Manyeleti Game Reserve and local game lodge, Tintswalo, we are working with their social impact team to refurbish a primary school, a center for children with disabilities, and a center for elderly people. Additionally, we are creating eco-clubs to install an appreciation of nature, the environment and conservation in children and young people. These children live right on the border of a big game area, which is a hotspot for poaching and human-wildlife conflict. Our interventions can have a direct impact on their quality of life and the conservation efforts in the wildlife area. We are also developing programs around art, dance and music, sports activities and media workshops for young people. Many of our enthusiastic donors and supporters are coming our April 20-27, 2024, to work on this and other projects.

Agriculture Crop Processing Hub and regenerative farming

  • A farming association of around 3000 farmers, a large percentage being women, wanted to refurbish a crop processing building that has been dormant for almost a decade. We completed an initial assessment and for less than $97,000, we can replace the roof, add windows, doors, drywall, materials, equipment and paint the entire building inside and out. We will be looking to start this project in Q2, 2024, once all the final details have been ironed out. This can impact more than 10,000 people living around the Hub. We are already doing trials with some of the farmers to bring in more regenerative farming techniques for better soil health, increased crop yields and general improvement of the environment and people’s quality of life. We have completed a scope for industrial hemp and are working on developing the hemp value chain in the community.

Super Exciting!

Hippo Rollers

We secured 60 Hippo Rollers which allow people to transport water by rolling it in a drum instead of carrying it. In a recent conversation, we learned how prevalent child-led families are in the communities we are looking to serve. These families have lost both parents and are led by the eldest child. They will be many of the first families we will provide these Hippo Rollers to.

Pipeline Projects

We connect with our network and partner with NGOs who have a strong presence with local leadership, governments and tribal authorities to ensure any investment is aligned, supported and can be maintained for years to come. Here are just a few of the many regions where we are considering future projects.

  • Mozambique - Futi Corridor and The Sanctuary (Vilankulos)

  • Namibia: The Kunene Highlands

  • Eastern Cape, South Africa: Addo elephant region

  • Zimbabwe: Sebungwe Region Ecosystem

  • Puerto Rico: Lifting people out of poverty 

  • Philippines: Through NGO partners, bring the Abundant Village model to local villages

Each of us is blessed with talents, resources or connections that when applied in a systematic way, can create long-term, sustainable change.

About the Region Where we Operate

Abundant Village used available data to identify the 161 critical ecosystem landscapes across Africa which are key to meeting the global 30x30 challenge. Using a matrix of assessment metrics and prioritizing strategic opportunism as key to entry, four initial areas were selected for project implementation as we continue to move around the globe.