Happier. Healthier. Humanity.

Addressing the biggest challenges facing under-resourced communities around the world.

Abundant Village is our collaborative model to provide the most needed resources to existing villages. Our goal is to create programs, initiatives and solutions that can impact tens of thousands of people living in the surrounding area.

We focus on three things

Our first project is in South Africa.

Future villages/projects will be in the most needed areas around the globe.


Economic Empowerment

Jobs, housing, and education.

Focus education on skill building to help people secure good paying jobs.

Seek cost efficient solutions to housing and leverage materials that have been used in the region for decades.


Innovative Healthcare

Nutrition, exercise, clean water and local remedies.

Create gardens of fruits and vegetables as well as medicinal gardens to grow local remedies, plants and herbs to address health care issues naturally.

Provide food sources that are dense in nutrition and easy to transport.


Sustainable Solutions

Financial, regenerative farming, energy and building materials.

Use materials, methods, and technology to provide low-cost building solutions.

Incorporate solar, wind, and battery technology to provide continuous energy. Work with local farmers to create high value and sustainable crops

“Those who say it cannot be done are often interrupted by those doing it.”

-James Baldwin

Why we are doing this…

Why are an actor, business leader, filmmaker, social impact enthusiast, regenerative farmer and sustainable designer, investing their time and resources to create a significant impact quickly?

Each of us had a moment in time that changed us. Impacted us. Called to us. Inspired us to make a positive change for others…many others. In our current professions, we learned skills and energized passions that drew us together. We have activated our network of kind souls all of whom are eager to roll up their sleeves, share resources, raise funds, and scale impact. 

This is our time to share with the world what can be done. Show them, inspire them, and support them in adding their kind of impact within the projects we support.

Our Comprehensive Strategic Approach

We are bringing whole-system thinking (addressing multiple solutions at once) to solve complex challenges. Solving one without the other can minimize the impact. 

  • Abundant Village - Working with existing villages that need additional resources such as a well, improved classrooms, clinic or other solutions offered through our model.

  • Regenerative Revenue - Each locally run village will generate enough annual income to cover its ongoing expenses.

  • Partnerships - Work with local leaders, businesses and NGO's who have significant relationships in the region to accelerate our impact.

  • Engagement - Ensure the local people and community own, operate and manage the long-term success of any project.

  • UN Aligned - The UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a framework to communicate common objectives to impact humanity. Our model addresses 10 of the 17 SDGs

Founded in 2020 and launched our first project in 2023

Helping one life, 10 lives, 100, 1,000, 10,000 lives. Our projects are about impacting lives, not just the number of lives. We want to create solutions for sustainable, long-term, independence, and self-reliance.